Chilean company joins High Liner, Marine Harvest on Salmon Council

Trapananda Seafarms, the North American commercial office for major Chilean salmon producer Australis Seafoods S.A., has joined the National Fisheries Institute’s (NFI) Salmon Council.

The products produced by Trapananda are distinctive to the Chilean Patagonia region, and include Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon and Steelhead trout – all sold to the U.S. consumer market. The producer is in charge of each step along the supply chain, from hatching and farming all the way through to processing.

“Trapananda Seafarms’ products are linked with southern Chile,” said the company's managing director Rick Cano. “Because salmon is a global product, we are excited to join the council to bring fuller attention to the unique contributions our region makes to world salmon production. In doing so, we also hope to promote the positive qualities and benefits shared by all salmon.”

The Salmon Council, which was established in January 2013 to promote salmon to the U.S. market, also welcomed Agrosuper and Multiexport Foods as new council members alongside Trapananda Seafarms.

“Trapananda Seafarms is one of several Chilean salmon companies who have recently signed onto the Salmon Council,” added Salmon Council chairman Gianfranco Nattero. “Producing over a quarter of the world’s salmon, Chile is a necessary voice in the effort to raise salmon consumption.”

The Salmon Council’s full roster includes Agrosuper, Bluemar USA, Bumble Bee Seafoods, High Liner Foods, Hofseth International AS/Mazzetta Company, Icicle Seafoods, Inland Seafood, King & Prince Seafood Corporation, Marine Harvest USA, Morey’s Seafood International, Multiexport Foods, Norwegian Seafood Council, Salmon Chile, Slade Gorton & Company, Trapananda Seafarms and Trident Seafood Corporation.


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