Krijn Verwijs Yerseke B.V. / Premier

Premier - Fresh Mussels

We provide fresh, high-quality mussels at any time of the year. With careful planning and exclusive collaborations with a strong network of farmers in various areas of Northern Europe, the delivery is continuous and reliable. The treatment in Krijn Verwijs’ modern depuration and purification facility ensures optimal quality and food safety. Our Seafarm mussels from UK: Our sea farm mussels are richly filled mussels that are extra tender and creamy. Because the mussels are grown far from the coast and hang close to the water surface they get a lot of nutrition and sunlight. this way, they quickly grow into large full mussels. Our Danish mussels:  Our Danish mussels are bursting with flavor. Cultivated near the water surface, they grow rapidly, resulting in beautifully formed shells. However, due to their rapid growth, their shells are slightly thinner. Therefore, it's important to handle these extraordinary mussels with care when preparing them. Our mussels from Zeeland (The Netherlans):  The cultivation of our mussels from Zeeland, is a true craft. It starts with mussel seed, which is sourced from fisheries or mussel seed capture installations (MZI). After the capture or collection of the seed, the mussel farmer sows the small mussels again in a cultivation plot, preferably in a sheltered location where the mussel seed can grow undisturbed and not be blown away. Subsequently, the mussels are moved to an area with stronger currents, where they can benefit from greater richness of food.

Premier - Oysters

Krijn:  Our Krijn, is the Zeeuwse creuse which our great-great-grandfather Pieter Verwijs started farming in 1880. Almost a century later, his grandson Krijn decided to continue the business and cultivation independently under the name Krijn Verwijs. That is why our Zeeuwse creuse is called: Krijn. It is grown on the soil of the Oosterschelde and Grevelingen. This is where his tough appearance and his salty taste arise.  Oysri: Our rock star among the oysters. This Irish oyster is farmed in the fresh, clean and green Dungarvan Bay area. There it grows into a salty and rough oyster that lives up to the name Oysri (from the Celtic word for oisrí (oyster)). The breeder of our Oysrí has ​​been cultivating this oyster in this area for centuries. We are proud to be able to offer a product with such a rich history within our portfolio.  Supreme: The Suprême is our pearl from Ireland. In the beautiful bays on the Atlantic-Irish coast, these oysters are farmed. This makes these oysters unique, but also scarce. In three to four years, they grow into exceptional oysters with excellent fish weight, a beautiful shell and a slightly sweet taste. We select only the very finest oysters from these growing areas. That is why they have the classification: Suprême.

Premier - Shrimps

The Buitjes, Rispens, van Straten and Bolt families, who have a long history in shrimp fishing, share the philosophy of leaving a lasting legacy for their children and grandchildren. The families' goal is to keep harvesting from a fertile sea and delivering delicious food through their passion for taste, while maintaining the sustainability of their practices for future generations. They extend their reach beyond the fishing quay to market sustainable products inspired by their traditions and environment.

Premier - Shells

Cockles: The cockle is also a sustainable and local product that actually deserves more attention. Let's all put cockles on the table more often! Vongole: Linguine a la Vongole is a true classic for which these little clams are unmissable. Scallops: Always full of flavour.  Razor Clams: Razorclams are a locally sourced product. They have a soft briny taste and the meat is pretty firm. They are perfect for the barbecue.  Periwinckles: Periwinckles are tiny snails in a black twisted shell. You can get them out using a pin, which makes for a great activity during your appetizer. Preparation is simple. Boil, let cool and use a pin to remove the snail.

Premier - Lobster & Crab

Canadian Lobster European Lobster Freshly cooked Lobster North Sea Crab